Family tree

Family Tree, 2020, Installation, Adeline Gregoire

Family Tree, 2020 speaks to the idea of family ties, connections, relationships – as well the the accumulated tensions, unhealthy and toxic interactions over time.

Family History, family trauma – abusive, violent, shameful…

The piece is meant to evoke strained relationships, pain that is cyclical, as much as it is generational.

Beyond the concept of the nuclear, extended family, as we have come to accept it – Family Tree seeks to explore the deeper entanglements of human relationships, the connection of the individual to the whole, defining moments of a lifetime, cause and effect, decisions and consequence.

Each part of a branch, bound to a whole. Always connected to the root. Root of pain. To the very first broken relationship, breach of trust. Always cyclical, a repetition once healing has not been able to take place.

Materials: Cut tree branch, twine, wool, jute thread.

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