1. 2020, Year of the Nurse
Acrylic paint on canvas, 36 x 54 inches
Sabrina Charran, 2020

2. Project: Dancing in the Streets
Photography installation
Luis Vasquez La Roche, 2020

3. In Spirit
Digital installation
Rodell Warner, 2020

4. Pink Philodendron
Mixed media, Acrylic paint and embroidery thread on canvas, 20 x 20 inches
Sarah Knights, 2020

5. The Conundrum
Mixed media, 20 x 20 inches
Sarah Knights, 2020

6. Apple tree
Mixed media, Acrylic paint and embroidery thread on canvas, 20 x 20 inches
Sarah Knights, 2020

7. Commissioned
Mixed media, Acrylic paint on canvas, 20 x 10 inches
Sarah Knights, 2020
8. Forty Acres
Mixed media, Acrylic and embroidery thread on canvas, 16 x 16 inches
Sarah Knights, 2020

9. Pompadour
Mixed media, Acrylic and embroidery thread on canvas, 16 x 20 inches
Sarah Knights, 2020

9. Untitled
Mixed media, Acrylic and embroidery thread on canvas, 16 x 20 inches
Shannon Alonzo, 2020

11. Caribbean A, Sino-Caribbean Plate series
Ceramic plate, Mixed media
Alicia Milne, 2020

11. Caribbean A, Sino-Caribbean Plate series
Ceramic plate, Mixed media
Alicia Milne, 2020

13. Holiday in Hangzhou
Embroidery thread on brown cotton fabric, mounted on wooden hoop
Alicia Milne, 2020

14. Trinidad and Tobago A, Sino-Caribbean Plate series
Ceramic plate, Mixed media
Alicia Milne, 2020

15. A Final Salute
Ceramic sculpture, metal doorknob, wood
Maria Diaz , 2020

16. Not takin dat
Ceramic sculpture
Maria Diaz , 2020

17. We normal
Clay sculpture, steel door fixture
Maria Diaz , 2020
18. 2020, Year of the Nurse
OUTDOOR / Public Art Installation
(Location: Cor. Abercromby & New Sts. POS)
Sabrina Charran, 2020

19. Project: Dancing in the Streets
OUTDOOR / Public Art Installation
(Location: Norfolk St. & Erthig Rd. Belmont, POS) Luis Vasquez La Roche, 2020
Luis Vasquez La Roche, 2020

20. Exploring Subterranean Sentiments of Belonging
Performance, 90mins
Granderson Lab, on 29.11.2020
Shannon Alonzo, 2020

The exhibition States of Confinement seeks to explore the various states – physical, psychological, geographical, real or perceived as, and imagined – of confinement, experienced during the worldwide pandemic of Covid-19 in 2020.
The States of Confinement Art exhibition was presented at Granderson Lab, Belmont Trinidad and Tobago from 26 – 29 November 2020.
ONLINE exhibition runs from December 2020 until March 2021.